How to install, setup and get started with R Programming on your Windows 10 device…
What exactly is R?
- R is a programming language (and its free too!) that was originally designed and developed back in 1993.
- R has an extensive inventory of statistical and graphical methods and libraries.
- Not only is R chosen by academic institutions, but large MNCs such as Google, Uber, and Airbnb use it extensively.
Why should I even bother to learn it?
FOr serious data science and data analysis, R includes machine learning algorithms, regression functions, time series, and statistical results, to name just a few.
Hey, how do I install R on Windows 10?
Well, I am glad you asked — simply follow the steps I have outlined below — with all of the relevant screenshots — and you will be up and running in no time on your Windows 10 device…
Step-By-Step — get R up and running in no time
Well lets get right into it, so the very first step is you need to go to the following website and download the latest R ‘base’ package —
On the left hand side menu in the home page, select the CRAN option under the Download option
As I am based in Australia, I chose that mirror site — obviously choose the region where you are located as this will help with the download speed…
As this instruction set id for Windows 10, choose the following:
Download R for Windows
Select the base build so you can have the basic build to start using R with…
Now once you select the Download R X.X.X for Windows option, then the downloading will commence..
- On my Internet NBN link, this took approximately 5 x minutes to finish downloading
Now after pressing Finish on the installation window above, I was waiting for R to load so I could see it and get cracking…. however it was just me and the crickets chirping waiting… waiting..
So go to your desktop or Windows menu options and dbl-click or select the program to start. And this is what you will see…
I am familiar with MATLAB, so I entered a simple expression on the command line (25 * 12.50) and pressed Enter, and the result was displayed as below
Well there you go guys, R is now installed on my Windows 10 device, and I am now ready to start programming in R both using the command line, and writing simple packages and scripts.
In a future post, I will be expanding on the R installation, and I will be explaining how to write meaningful R programs to show data analytics and the graphical options it can offer...
Thanks for reading this, and if please leave me any feedback you have, and I will get back to you, cheers and happy coding in R.